Instant Messaging Security and Usage Guideline

Because many Instant Message (IM) systems are not designed with security features, hackers have found it easy to plant viruses, spyware, phishing scams, spam over IM (spim), and a wide variety of worms.

Applies to

This guideline applies to all campus affiliates who utilize Instant Messaging as a means of electronic communication.

Purpose of the Guideline

The Carnegie Mellon University Computing Policy establishes a general policy for the use of computing, telephone and information resources. The goal of the guidelines set forth in this document is to help minimize the Instant Messaging security incidents at Carnegie Mellon University.


Server Proxy: Messages pass through the IM vendor’s computer and are forwarded to the user.
Server Broker: Messages are passed to the IM vendor only to initiate the communication between users, who then communicate directly with each other.
Trojans: Hidden programs on a system that perform a specific function once users are tricked into running them.
SPIM: Spam over Instant Messaging

Guideline Statement

User Responsibilities and Procedures

User responsibilities and procedures are as follows:

Revision History

Status: Date Published
Published: 07/21/2006
Last Reviewed: 09/12/2023
Last Updated: 09/12/2023